P.S./I.S 45 K Horace E. Greene Home

Principal's Message

Portrait of Nadine Marshall
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I am Nadine Marshall the Principal of P.S. /I.S. 45K, the Horace E. Greene School. I have over 20 years of experience as a teacher and assistant principal in District 32. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and I knew that I wanted to be an educator since I was in kindergarten. I am committed to building successful partnerships with students, parents, and the staff members that make up the P.S. /I.S. 45K family.
I believe, that in order for a school to be successful, we must challenge students to achieve in a nurturing school environment that is stimulating, rigorous, encouraging and well organized. My key belief is that all children can learn. We must educate the whole child by focusing on their developmental, social, emotional, and academic needs. There must be a strong school and family connection that consists of open communication with all stakeholders: parents, staff members, and students. In addition, I believe that it is important that we provide students with learning opportunities that are rigorous and prepares them for college and their future careers. It is so important for us to establish and nurture a vision for continued success, together, so that we can ensure our students have the academic skills and competencies to be productive citizens within our global society.
Harriet Tubman said, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” We are a Kids at Hope School and we believe that all children are capable of success, no exceptions! I am proud to say that our students are the shining stars and the proud panthers of P.S./I.S. 45K. They are kids at hope. They are talented, smart and capable of success. They all have dreams for the future, and they will climb to reach those goals & dreams every day, with the help of the P.S./I.S. 45K school family!
Ms. Nadine Marshall
Principal and Treasure Hunter

Latest News

Pre-K in Red

Respect for All Week

During Respect for All Week, schools across the city will have the opportunity to highlight and build upon ongoing programs to help students, staff, and communities gain a better understanding of diversity. 

Celebration Schedule

Monday - Write a letter to a friend and choose a buddy to come to school dressed as TWINS

Tuesday - Make a New Friend and Meet the Student Council/Put Bullying to bed by wearing your PJ's (Pajama Day)

Wednesday - Be nice and demonstrate an act of kindness, wear the color YELLOW

Thursday - Show your UNIQUENESS/Respect Diversity-Rep your culture

Friday - Love Day - Respect Yourself/Wear the color Red or Pink
Garden Tower!

Sustainability Grant

Panther Nation is excited to announce that with the  Sustainability Grant  we won  for our school we got to order this beauty . It’s the Green Bronx Machine Tower Garden  for the classroom. This innovative garden system allows us to grow fresh produce in our classroom. We  can’t wait to see the positive impact it will have on our community. Students (and some teachers that peeked in today )were already excited when they say it in the classroom ☺️. Stay tuned for updates as we start our green journey! 🌿 #Sustainability #sustainabilitycoordinators #GreenBronxMachine #TowerGarden #GrowAnywhere #EcoFriendly 

Shout out to Ms. A. Rivera for this initiative!! ~