School Based Support Team (SBST)

What is the School Based Support Team (SBST)?

The School Based Support Team (SBST) is a team that consists of a School Psychologist, School Social Worker, and Family Worker. The SBST can conduct an initial evaluation for students without an IEP and re-evaluations for students with an IEP.

Ms. Perez, SBST School Psychologist                                [email protected]

Ms. Martinez, SBST Bilingual School Social Worker   [email protected]

Ms. Serrano, SBST Family Worker                                       [email protected]


Students without an IEP

If a teacher or parent has concerns about a student’s academic progress, they can reach out to the SBST to discuss further. Your child may/or may not need to be evaluated for special education.

Things to Consider

If you think your child may need special education services, keep in mind that:

  • Children learn and develop at different speeds and in different ways.
  • Children who learn differently do not necessarily have a disability.
  • Children should not be referred for special education services because of limited English proficiency.


Students with an IEP

If you need support in understanding your child’s IEP or have questions regarding your child’s IEP, please reach out to your child’s teacher and/or SBST.


Special Education Resources

NYC DOE Special Education Link


IEP Process


If you have a child entering Kindergarten with an IEP